Calendar | 2019 Dec 2-9

2/12 Monday

21:30 - ACeltic - ChiangMai Blues with strings
Aceltic ChiangMai Blues

3/12 Tuesday

20:00 - Joe Enso
Joe Enso

21:30 - Boy Paco | modern jazz trio
Boy Paco

4/12 Wednesday

19:00 - YEN SUK // SANIM YOK // VEGA

5/12 Thursday

20:00 - Chart Bebop | blues, jazz and 70s rock
Chart Bebop

6/12 Friday

20:00 -

Jazz Madz

21:30 - Omnibus

7/12 Saturday

20:00 - Omnibus

21:30 - Five Forest | electric-acoustic guitar-scape
five forest

8/12 Sunday

21:00 - RibbindaSky & Geng Cello
RibbindaSky & Geng Cello

14/12 Saturday

20:00 - Apichat Pakwan
Apichat Pakwan

23/12 Monday

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